Ceremonial Bell {Blood Armour}
Ceremonial Bell {Blood Armour}

Ceremonial Bell {Blood Armour}

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Part Number: DT0000005
Availability: Out of Stock - Restock When Available
Ceremonial Bell (Blood Armour) - .25 Lbs. - 1 Ceremonial Bell

A Haus of Drakhaaraas™ Exclusive Ceremonial Bell in the color Blood Armour. Its detachable so that you may add personal ritualistic items to chain and sounder ball. This also makes it easy for cleaning and blessing purposes. It is of solid and sturdy craftmanship with intricate designs engraved that represent eternity and flowers of trinity that represent both life and death and the world in between, having capabilities of summoning and calling in and calling on to the living and the dearly departed, and the Spirits who have always been eternally Divine. 

Measures 2.5 in. x 4.6 in. (W x H)

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