House Cleansing Fixed Haus Candle
House Cleansing Fixed Haus Candle

House Cleansing Fixed Haus Candle

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House Cleansing
Part Number: FC0000003
Availability: In Stock.
House Cleansing Fixed Haus Candle - Purge and Purification

Haus of Drakhaaraas™ House Cleaning Fixed Haus Candle is made to purify the energetic space of a home. So many things occur within the walls of a home. Whether it be a toxic relationship that has invited pesky spirits to haunt the home, or traumatic events that has happened within the abode that has left everyone on edge, this candle will purge those energetic residues and purify the home so that clean and healthy energy came make its way in. Ones home should be one's safe haven. cleanse your home, then bless and protect it. Use this candle to Purge and Purify your home.

Consider using House Blessing Fixed Candle and Protection Fixed Candle and Fresh Start Fixed Candle for a complete home care ritual.

Use Witness Candle White with Haus of Drakhaaraas™ House Cleansing Fixed Haus Candle for the most optimal results.

Fixed candles are composed with oils, powders, herbs, roots, magick, intention, ritual, ceremony, prayer and powerful spiritual intervention.

The nature of spiritual work requires that all Haus of Drakhaaraas™ Fixed Haus Candles are made when ordered. Due to this notion, all fixed candle sales are Final once in process.

All HOD™ Fixed Haus Candles come with instructions.

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