Incense and Resins Room
This is a Haus... Haus of Drakhaaraas™
Incense and Resins Room
Incense smoke is oxygen of the Gods. It has, since the very inception of time, been a favorite of the Divine. They speak through smoke, and relish in the aromas as offerings. Haus of Drakhaaraas™ carries an exotic and carefully curated line of incenses of our own coming very soon, as well as a thoughtfully collected array of quality and mystically appropriate incenses curated around the world. Haus of Drakhaaraas™ is not only a Botanica + Apothecary, but most notably, a + Spiritual Haus™ where our Spirits and Deities are highly revered and taken well care of. So, it's only right and spiritually moral that we offer the best of the best when it comes to incenses and resins.
Here lies a collection of rich and decadent incense choices and resins available. Accompanying products can be found here as well.
If for any reason you have additional questions or inquiries regarding Incense and Resins, email your concerns to [email protected].
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