Panacium Red Satice and White Sage Smudge Wand
Panacium Red Satice and White Sage Smudge Wand

Panacium Red Satice and White Sage Smudge Wand

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Part Number: SM0000008
Availability: Low Stock
Panacium Red Satice and White Sage Smudge Wand - ooo - 1 Smudge Wand in Pouch

A Haus of Drakhaaraas™ Exclusive, Panacium Red Satice is known as one of the most powerful flower and herb against dark harmful spiritual energy. Coupled with White sage, it removes unwanted energies quickly and efficiently, especially energies that work against a harmonious relationship and love life.

It also helps open up the heart chakra during emotional healing spell work and love magick. 

Consider using Panacium Red Satice & White Sage Smudge Wand while working with Haus of Drakhaaraas™  Lovers Fixed Haus CandleSweetening Conjure Fixed Haus CandleSit & Stay Fixed Haus Candle, or Erzulie Freda LWA Fixed Candle.

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